All Classes and Interfaces

Enum of MS Access versions to encapsulate Jackcess Database.FileFormat.
Valid values of driver property columnOrder.
Class that exports the given ResultSet to CSV format.
Builder for Exporter.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Implement missing features or throw general Ucanacess exception.
Utilities for interoperability with the UCanAccess Hibernate dialect.
Interface implemented by logger and exception messages expected to exist in the resource bundle with logger messages.
An operation that accepts one argument, produces no result and may throw an exception.
A function that accepts one argument, produces a result and may throw an exception.
A runnable which might throw an exception of type T.
A supplier of a result of type R which might throw an exception of type T.
Enum of Ucanaccess driver properties.
Enum of database object types.
An immutable sql statement string created from multiple tokens in order to write inline sql statements in an easy-to-read fashion spread out over multiple lines of code.
Constants for SQL reserved words and recurring tokens.
Try<V,EC extends Throwable>
Fluent-style try-catch handling.
A builder for Ucanaccess database urls and connections.
Unspecific Ucanaccess run-time exception.
The sql exception specific to Ucanaccess.