Current Developers

Markus Spann has forked and moved the project to Github and keeps maintaining it there.

Past Developers and Contributors

Marco Amadei was the original author and main developer of the UCanAccess project.
UCanAccess would not exist without his efforts.

Gord Thompson was contributing to the UCanAccess project by offering support on, and by effectively suggesting improvement and enhancement opportunities, managing forums, fixing bugs, and adding features.

Tom Hallman contributed with bug reports, testing, and useful comments to the release of UCanAccess v1.0.0, while he was involved in the porting from odbc to jdbc of the MIST project.

Rafael Sisto contributed to the release of UCanAccess 1.0.3 by identifying bugs and suggesting patches, in particular regarding escaping of column names and handling of temporary tables.

Marcel Merkel sent a major patch about the JDBC 4.1 feature closeOnCompletion.
